Student Assistance Program

The Cocalico Middle School Student Assistance Program (SAP) is designed to give support and develop strategies for Cocalico Middle School students. The SAP Team is composed of teachers, school guidance counselors, administrators, school nurses, and an assessor from Caron Counseling Services. They work closely with local agencies to assist students who are challenged by academic, behavior, drug/alcohol, or mental health concerns. Parents, students, or community members who desire additional information concerning the program should contact any team member of the Middle School office.

The team’s responsibility is to give support and aid to all students who are referred for academic, drug/alcohol, and/or mental health concerns.

Who May Refer
Anyone may refer a student to the Student Assistance Team. Most referrals are made by teachers who are concerned about a particular student. On occasion parents will refer their children. Students sometimes refer their peers or even themselves. The SAP Team stands ready to support and assist all referrals.

How It Works
The SAP process involves three steps:
1. Identifying a student’s needs.
2. Determining the strategies needed to assist the student.
3. Implementing intervention strategies through a continuum of services.

Team Members
Mrs. Samantha Bensing, Principal
Lauren Baxter, Grade 7
Tanner Carman, School Psychologist
Thomas Garner, Grade 6
Elizabeth Hannan, Health & P.E.
Kristina Heft, Certified School Nurse 
Katie Schaefer, School Counselor
Jennifer Guigley, Student Assistance Specialist

United Way LINC
A free and confidential information & referral service that will quickly guide you to the agencies and programs in our community that can help.

United Way of Lancaster County
630 Janet Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-0731
(717) 394-6118 fax
(717) 291-LINC (5462)

Drug & Alcohol Services
Guide to drug & alcohol services available in Lancaster County.

Lancaster County Drug & Alcohol Commission
150 North Queen Street
Fourth Floor, Suite 402
Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 299-8023
(717) 293-7252 fax

Lancaster County MH/MR
Serves persons with mental retardation, persons who have a serious and persistent mental illness, and children below the age of three who have delays in any major area of development. Major mental illnesses include severe depression, bipolar disorder (manic-depression), anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia.

Lancaster County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Services
1120 Frances Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 393-0421
(717) 299-7968 fax|5342|5660|